We change constantly and unpredictably. Most of the time, we don't even notice it. The changes can come from differences in environment, mentality, mood, etc. More often than not, we think of ourselves as "the same" while everything else around us evolves. But this stems from our inability to be outside of ourselves, that is to look at ourselves from the perspective of those around us. Habitually, we tend to see ourselves introspectively most of the time. When you change, it's inevitable that our relationships with those around us change as well, which leads me into the types of connections I want to talk about: friendships.
I feel like most people have/once had their little "crew" of close friends from high school. These are people we went through the dreaded pubescent high school years with and bonded with in the process. But after high school, everyone goes their separate ways to different schools, cities, states, maybe even different countries. Granted with today's inter-connectivity of technology and social media, it's pretty easy to keep those friends in your life and updated with your latest happenings. In some cases, you can remain besties with those high school friends forever and that's wonderful. To be more realistic, on the other hand, such friendships often begin to change without anyone realizing. It might be sad to think of friendships fading away and breaking apart but this happens and its no one's fault. We can't help that we're constantly changing because if we don't grow, we stagnate. We can become so different that the original friendship becomes confusing and almost uncomfortable. And the four year period of college after high school is where I believe a huge shift takes place, where we get a taste of freedom, independence, and responsibility. All this doesn't even have to apply to just high school friendships. As I've written about before, friendships can be so ephemeral and mercurial, it's hard to tell who will stick around and who will fade away. Don't be afraid or sad when something like this begins to happen. There's no way we can keep everyone that we meet over the years in our lives; there simply isn't enough time and energy for that. People come and go and that's something that we have to get used to. It doesn't mean you hate each other or don't want anything to do with them. There are many people who used to be in my life at some point and time. Despite how things have changed and how we've grown apart, I wish them only the best and still care for them.
We're all interconnected and part of this massive network on earth. Just picture different strings connecting you to everyone in your life. With each string, you're required to devote time and energy to maintain it. So don't overwhelm yourself with connections and be tied down the the point where you can't move. Know that when the time is right, you're allowed to cut off strings that no longer play a role in your life. Now don't view all your friendships as temporary engagements (oh goodness that would make friendship so meaningless). But don't try to force anything. Friendships are an amazing part of our lives and we should cherish the connections we make with others as they come and go.
On the topic of changes, here's one of my favorite Jeff Bernat songs
Take it easy ~